A mesh of Old Testament stories, fairy tales and magical realism, A Giant Arc in the Skyspace of Directions is about the impossibility of miracles and the loss of wonder in a world of science. It is outside of the world, in the imagination of a child, where those from before still live and miracles are still possible. Sarah and Abe want nothing more than a child, but their age is making their dream an impossibility. When she becomes pregnant and years pass with no baby, she finds herself an unfinished miracle. Eamon, a priest of sorts, wants nothing more than to believe again, but his church keeps disappearing into thin air. The blind Rebecca and her blind seeing eye dog experience the worst of misfortunes but somehow sees more wonder than anyone, but is unable to see the secret of her son. And Jacob comes back from a war disguised as his dead brother with warnings of danger. Can this world survive?
Written by Michael Vukadinovich Directed by Efrain Schunior Produced by Danika Sudik & The Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble |