Please do a "close read" or an "active read." Here are a few tips to get you started:
Note when something is a fact and when it is the authors opinion.
Are there any concepts you are unfamiliar with? If so, look them up.
What do you want to know more about?
Who is referenced? Do you know who they are? If not, look them up.
What thoughts come up for you as you read?
What connections do you make between the reading and life/the past/something from this class/another subject?
Did anything surprise you in the text?
Did you disagree with anything?
What questions do you have?
Checklist for Wednesday (1/5/22) Dedicated Journal Space where you can stand and lie down comfortably Prepared to discuss Acrobat of the Heart Mini-Assignment #1: Getting to Know You Mini-Assignment #2: Canvas/Zoom Headshot